Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023, 09:34 AM
e-Forms is an electronic forms service that assists you in locating, viewing, downloading, and filling out electronic forms through the use of a web interface. E-Forms are most often Adobe PDF files and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your desktop computer.
The following is a list of frequently asked questions. Form authors should also see Additional information for e-Form authors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I fill the forms out online?
Many e-Forms can be filled out using Acrobat Reader and your web browser. Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9 or higher is required in order to fill out forms online. You still may encounter forms on campus web sites that have not yet been updated to allow online updates however. Forms that include enhanced functionality perform best when using Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 or higher.
Why doesn't the form open or why will the form not function correctly?
The electronic forms provided are in a portable document format (PDF) and require the use of Adobe Acrobat to function as they were designed. Many web browsers including but not limited to Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox attempt to open PDFs within the browser, which may limit their functionality. To prevent this, it is recommended that the default application set to handle PDFs should be Adobe Acrobat. If you need assistance changing your default applications please contact your department’s I.T. support or call SalukiTech at 618-453-5155.
What is Adobe Acrobat and how do I install it?
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a desktop application that is used to view and fill out PDF forms online. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available from Adobe Inc. Different versions are available for several different operating systems.
Why do we use adobe PDF files?
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a desktop application that is widely used locally and nationally. Adobe PDF files provide a consistent means for document display on Windows, Apple, Linux, and UNIX platforms. The use of PDF files also insures that printed form output is consistent regardless of the system platform being used. Adobe PDF files also include a milt-in capability for using digital certificates to digitally sign forms.
How do I download a form to use?
Once you have located the form you want to use, simply click on the link to download the file. Most often you will be using a web browser to locate the forms. If your browser is configured correctly, the Adobe Acrobat Reader application will automatically open the file you select. Otherwise, you will be prompted to save the form to disk. After the file is saved, you can then open the Adobe Acrobat Reader application to view the file.
While you can save e-Forms that have not been filled out on your hard drive, we discourage this practice. Many e-Forms are updated frequently. By obtaining forms online when they are needed, you are assured that you have the current version of an e-Form.
While you can save e-Forms that have not been filled out on your hard drive, we discourage this practice. Many e-Forms are updated frequently. By obtaining forms online when they are needed, you are assured that you have the current version of an e-Form.
How do I upload a PDF file to the library?
First, make sure you read and follow the procedures outlined in Information for e-Form Authors. When your form is complete, use the Publish a Form link. You will need to provide a description of your e-Form along with the file itself. Our online upload process will forward your information to our e-Forms administrator. The administrator will process your form so that it may be filled out as well as place it into a central forms library and index.
Can I sign an E-form using a digital signature?
Yes, but you must first obtain a Digital ID from the State of Illinois as well as download and install a software agent on your desktop computer. Please see FAQ for Digital Signatures and Instructions for Using Digital Signatures for more information. A Microsoft Windows based PC is required to utilize the State of Illinois Digital ID. At this time the necessary software is not available for any other platform (including Macintosh OSX and Linux).