Documentation Standards
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023, 09:34 AM
The document standards below should be used as a guide when creating new or revising existing electronic forms. E-forms that appear to significantly deviate from these standards may be returned to the author for revision. Note that the standards outlined below have been adapted from those published by the AIS Electronic Forms Committee.
Form Layout
Form Background Color | White. |
Form Margins | '1/2" on left; '1/2" on right. |
Form ID | The e-Forms administrator will assign Form ID's for all forms as follows: • Three character designation: identifies the origin / owner of the form by department or unit, entered in lower case • Form number: four numeric digits • Example: acs0200 • Note: the Form ID will remain the same throughout the life of a the document |
Form Title | • Centered'1/2" to 1" from top of page depending on space available • Arial 14pt. bold, all caps. • Southern Illinois University should be 1/4" below • SIU text in Arial 10 pt. all caps. • Draw one line to the width of the margins and place'1/4" below the title, one pixel wide. |
Form Objects/Properties
Checkboxes/Radio Buttons (see Pop-Up Lists/Drop Down Lists) |
If a pop-up list for drop down list is not possible, a checkbox should be used if more than one item is to be selected from a group. A radio button should be used if only one item is to be selected from a group. Chose the following properties for checkboxes and radio buttons: • Select "size to font" • De-select "display 3-D" • Background color "white" |
Color Options | Light blue, light green, gold or white. Reserve gray for the command buttons |
Command Buttons | All large numbers on the page and all command buttons should be set to "no print." |
Date Format | Use the format is DD Mmrn YYYY. |
Field Borders | Style "flat." Print borders must be selected if the border is to be printed. |
Field Justification | Top left or right justify. |
Field Names | Use one of the following prefixes followed by an underscore: • fld_ (field) • txt_ (text) • check_ (checkbox) • radio_ (radio button) Each word in a field name should be separated by an underscore ( _ ) |
Field Size | Maximum number of characters allowed must not exceed field size. |
Font | The standard text and label font is Arial 8 pt. |
Multiple Line Fields | Multiple lines should be selected to allow word wrapping of text in large fields, |
Name Fields | Standard size for name fields are: last name (30 characters), first name (20 characters) and middle name (20 characters) |
Numeric Fields | Only use when there is a calculation. Fields with numbers should be formatted as a standard alphanumeric field. (text field) |
Pop-up Lists/Drop Down Lists | Pop-up lists and drop down lists should be used instead of checkboxes and radio buttons to allow more space on the form. An exception to this standard would be when there are legal requirements preventing this. |
Primary Headings | Headings over columns or separating groups of data should be upper and lower case, Arial 8 pt. |
Standards for Supportive Documentation
The standards outlined below should be used as a guide when developing documents that provide additional information about or describe procedures relating to the use of an e-Form. Supportive documents when published will be in either web page (html format) or PDF format. Supportive documents received for publication that are in other formats will be converted to HTML or PDF format by the e-Forms administrator. Basic format standards are described below:
Header |
Form Name |
General Information Section: |
Sections: |
Administrative Approval Section: |
Special notes section: |
Routing information: |
Footer: |