

Last Updated: Apr 18, 2024, 01:08 PM

About these forms:

If you receive a message like “The document you are trying to load requires Adobe Reader 8 or higher. You may not have the Adobe Reader installed or your viewing environment may not be properly configured to use Adobe Reader.” then most likely your web browser does not recognize the .pdf file.

The electronic forms provided are in a portable document format (PDF) and require the use of Adobe Acrobat to function as they were designed. Many web browsers including but not limited to Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox attempt to open PDFs within the browser, which may limit their functionality. To prevent this, it is recommended that the default application set to handle PDFs should be Adobe Acrobat. If you need assistance changing your default applications please contact your department’s I.T. support or call SalukiTech at 618-453-5155.

If you do not wish to change your default PDF viewer, you may also right-click on the “Download Form” link and choose the "Save As" option (the exact option name will vary, depending on your browser). and save the form to your desktop. Open Adobe Acrobat first and then open the saved PDF by browsing to the appropriate file.

For Users

You will need:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 9 or higher is recommended to view and digitally sign e-Forms.

For Authors

You will need:

  • To create e-Forms, Adobe Acrobat Professional Version 9 or Adobe Lifecycle Designer is recommended. 
  • Familiarity with the use of Adobe Designer tools
  • Access to the campus network
  • Familiarity with e-Form processes. See information for e-Form authors for more information on processing and publishing e-Forms.
  • Go here to request an e-Form ID. Go here to submit an e-Form to the forms administrator to be reader enabled and published in the e-Forms index.

 Would you like to digitally sign your forms?

Digital signature setup instructions. 

A Microsoft Windows PC is required to utilize the digital signature service. Other operating systems are not supported at this time.

Is your Entrust login slow?

Please update your Entrust digital signature software (EESP) to correct this issue. Please choose one of the following options:

Detailed Entrust software installation instructions.

Click here  for an animated e-Learning tutorial detailing the install of the updated Entrust software.